

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Night at the Movies! 2/26/11

Who cares what picture we see?

Maybe Charles Band would, so we'll pick one of his flicks for tonight...

You got Peter Billingsley - who started out in Hershey's Syrup commercials as "Messy Marvin;" moved on to NBC's Real People as a co-host (at something like 11 or 12 years old) which led to him being cast in a certain movie that puts this kid in all of our TV sets once a year for at least a few minutes - A Christmas Story. He has gone on to become a successful producer (stuff like the IFC channel series Dinner for Five hosted by Vince Vaughn). You got John DeLancie (Q from Star Trek-The Next Generation). You got 90's cutie Megan Ward. And you have Seth Green three years before we met Scott Evil.

This was supposed to be an early release from Full Moon, but the CGI effects on the first pass were apparently not up to snuff, so Charlie sent the movie back in for another run - the sad thing is, back then every pass at the effects took so much time the effects were obsolete before you could get the movie out. I think the original release date was scheduled for 1991. In this case while it was off being shored up T2 came out and took CGI to a whole new level. It wasn't until 1993 that this was finally released.

It's a fun little flick - and it's easily retrieved from the Video Vault for play - like maybe tonight if you want to come by...

Til next post you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!

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